The Mystery of the Fruit

Alesha( the meerkat ) woke up to a lovely hot day in the savannah, but one thing was missing…


Alesha was filled with despair when she found out the fruit was missing. They had spent many seasons caring for their precious tree, and the fruit was priceless in these regions. It was a mob heirloom that has been passed down through many generations, and as the leader of the meerkats, Alesha had to care for it the most. She called everyone to show them what had happened to their valuable fruit. The atmosphere around Alesha was now filled with emotions of depression and sorrow. Alesha was now fuming with rage, who would dare steal their luminescent, beautiful, pink fruit that smells like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and black currant. Alesha scurried onto the largest rock she could find and began to address the meerkats, “ My fellow meerkats, someone has stolen our fruit and taken it far away from us. Whoever this someone is, we will put them to justice and reclaim our fruit. WHO IS WITH ME!”, (other meerkats) “ YYYYEEEEAAAAHHHHHH!!!”.


An hour later…

“Report please.” snaps Alesha.

 “No leads on the investigation yet Chief Alesha, but we did find a bit of evidence, a feather the colour of dark clay.” replies one of the meerkats.

 “Hmm, Interesting, look more into this piece of evidence and find out who’s feather it is, and thank you for the report sergeant Mark, you may leave now.” says Alesha.

 It was humid in the tent, but it was the only way to keep her and the other meerkats from getting scorched in the flaming sun. The sandy dyed tent hid them from dangerous predators of the savannah.

“Any leads yet Sargent?”.Alesha asks as another meerkat enters the tent.

“Yes Mam, we have our suspicions on a vulture named Zhao, we believe he is the one who stole the fruit.” replies the meerkat Sargent.

“Gather a small squad to investigate, I will go too and Deputy police chief Emily will be in charge.”. Says Alesha.



“AAAHHHHH!!!” screamed Alesha as she plummeted to the ground and full speed.

“ALESHAAA!!” screamed the other meerkats in shock.

2 Hours before… 

“Chief Alesha, are you sure you want to jump and grab the fruit out of Zhao’s talons?” questioned a meerkat that was a part of the squad that was sent to retrieve the fruit.

“It’s the only way,” responded Alesha.

Alesha and her squad of meerkats were following Zhao in the middle of the savannah. They were gradually catching up to Zhao and were now going to reclaim their fruit. Alesha took an almighty jump and managed to get a grip on the fruit, but Zhao noticed her and shook her off the fruit, but one of Alesha’s meerkats caught her and they tried again but this time she had help from her meerkats. A meerkat boosted her up and this time she got a good grip on the fruit. Zhao tried to shake her off but Alesha had too good of a grip so he gained altitude to try and make her let go. The meerkats acted fast and started to make a meerkat chain, when the last meerkat possibly joined the chain, all the pressure was on the last meerkat. He was the anchor to hold them but he lost his grip so he stopped trying to resist and joined the flying train. The meerkats were swaying and weaving in the air. Zhao did a final flick and the meerkat chain broke apart. They were all now skydiving and Alesha finally had the fruit in her tiny paws, but now was no time to hug the fruit because they were still in mid-air and Zhao was heading right at her. Alesha used her instincts and passed the fruit to a fellow meerkat in mid-air. They continued to pass the fruit around the group until Alesha had the fruit again she just passed it then WHAM!!…


Alesha woke up with a sore head and was lying on her back. “What happened?” she said to herself. She sat up and looked around and then she saw her fellow meerkats tossing the fruit in mid-air and that reminded her of what happened. “I have to help them,” she told herself. She hefted herself up and ran to the spot below her friends. Zhao now had the fruit and Alesha could do nothing to help. She looked ahead and saw a cliff, but do you know who didn’t? Zhao. The fruit was not claimed and it was going to splat. Alesha acted fast and tried to catch the fruit, but her friends were there to help and they caught the fruit for her. They passed the fruit to Alesha and Alesha passed it to another meerkat, but then the fruit continually passed from meerkat to meerkat until someone drop-kicked it over a pair of branches and it splattered on the dense ground. “IDIOTS!!” roared Alesha

 The End.

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