Term 2 review

The thing that I most enjoyed and proud of this term is my water collage because it looks like a real painted water drop. The thing I have most in proved on this term is my maths because now I understand how to convert fractions into decimals and percentages. The only thing I think I need to improve on is my current event quiz because my highest score was only 15/20😥.

Ode to summer


How I long to feel

Your cool water under my fingertips.

How I long to see

your glistening water

within my eyesight.

How I long to see

your cloudless skies with

only the flaring sun in sight.

Oh summer 

When will you come?

to end the bitter dread of winter

and warm our faces. 


By Benya

Winter is here

Winter is here
A snowy white sheet of snow
Covers the surrounding mountains
Frost clams land, and trees are left bare

Getting all wrapped up preparing for the freezing battle
Against the temperatures outside.
Dirty coloured rabbits turn into beautiful
Snow-like rabbits.
Winter is here.